Its purpose is to increase the visibility of eco-friendly spaces and offer the guarantee of environmental quality to users.
Due to the scientific method on which it is based, EcoEvaluation ® calculates objectively the environmental performance of the spaces ad frames them by the standards of the Guidelines of the Region of Tuscany "Exhibit Design: eco criteria and methods for environmental sustainability" in ECO Class A, B or C depending on the results obtained.
The analysis of the space set up is done in terms of materials (quality, quantity, method of disposal and reuse) of kWh/sqm used for the realization and use, and CO2 emissions for the transportation from the place of production to the final location.
Why requesting EcoEvaluation® label?
●because it makes an eco-friendly space immediately recognizable
●because it gives visibility to the efforts and consistency of the companies towards sustainability
●because through EcoEvaluation® one can communicate sustainability to the public in full transparency , with values understood by all
●because scientifically calculates the level of sustainability
●because it indicates ways to improve the environmental performance of designed spaces, whether they are temporary or permanent
●because it can be part of the Social Responsibility Report
●because with a minimum spending the sustainability of your space is enhanced
●because it can be applied to any fitted area
Why looking for a space with EcoEvaluation® label?
●because is a label that assures that harmful materials to people and the environment were not used
●because it assures that to set up that space anything possible has been done to reduce emissions, fuel consumption and environment pollution
●because gives the security of being in a space that protects your health while using it
●because claiming permanent spaces with EcoEvaluation® means directing the production of the everyday living places (shops, supermarkets, offices, hotels …) towards the reduction of waste, consumption and emissions
●because claiming temporary spaces with EcoEvaluation ® means striving to make sure that the major exhibitions, festivals, exhibitions become less and less impacting on the environment and on public health.