If it is almost an obvious choice for companies to adjust production towards sustainable solutions, the harder it is to be able to communicate to the public that commitment .
We know that the consumer chooses the environmentally sustainable product in order to assert its own contribution to the cause of sustainability, and to use products and services that protect his health safety. Becomes essential for companies to be able to make visible the value of their product/service and consolidate at the same time, their own credibility for their environmental commitment through a consistent image.
The corporate event, fairs and public events represent a critical step for the construction of that image, which is communicated through the temporary spaces made for such occasions.
How many kWh are needed for production? And how many will be consumed during use? What kind of materials were used, and how they will be disposed? How much CO 2 is emitted to transport the setting from the production site to the location?
EcoEvaluation® makes it recognizable a setting as a sustainable temporary space through a label that at the same time communicates its environmental performance.
Whatever is the image you desire for your brand, EcoEvaluation® gives you the possibility to join the name of your company to environmental sustainability value.