Tuesday, 11 June 2013

EcoEvaluation for exhibition and festival spaces: sustainability beyond carbon offset

A festival setting up, even the greenest one, needs a lot of materials, energy and transports. Often festivals and exhibitions use carbon offsetting to be sustainable and greener. Unfortunately, Carbon offsetting tells us nothing about what kind of materials has been used, if they are eco-friendly and human health safe; nothing about their disposal or reuse after the event. And more, what about energy consumption for setting up and use during the festival? From how far do all equipments come? Carbon offsetting doesn't answer at all.

EcoEvaluation analyzes the space set up in terms of materials (quality, quantity, method of disposal and reuse) of kWh/sqm used for the realization and use, and CO2 emissions for the transportation from the place of production to the final location. Furthermore, the label EcoEvaluation increases the visibility  of eco-friendly spaces and offers users the  guarantee of environmental quality and safety for the consumer's health.