Monday 20 May 2013

Eco fornitures Lessmore contribute to the high Eco Score for the "Terra Futura 2013 Festival" EcoEvaluation

Hall Sustainable Future ecoarredi Lessmore

Terra Futura has been awarded the eco-sustainability label EcoEvaluation in some of its spaces set up, and the environmental performance achieved is significantly high.

Among the basic elements of EcoEvaluation there's the analysis of the material, the components and equipment used for the preparations, the first step is to make sure they possess a certification mark of the environment , whether it is of raw materials , both finished products .
Subsequently, the survey is concerned with understanding how much energy has been used for the production of the setting itself, how much will used in exercise and how  the components produced for the event will be disposed or reused.
The Sustainable Future Hall of Terra Futura 2013, labeled EcoEvaluation, is a good example, with an high-profile result, of environmentally sustainable construction: thanks to the use of eco fornitures Lessmore,  realized with FSC certified cardboard, no glue, attached and removed manually with simple metal rivets,  the space has got a high ranking in ECO Class B, for the materials. The whole setting will also be completely re-used after the event, so that neither a kg of material will become waste.

Hall Sustainable Future 
eco fornitures Lessmore
Hall Sustainable Future 
eco fornitures Lessmore